ITAR Special Occult Powers - Sensory 80, 60, 40, 20 - 4 Generations

Description: Why - Stanford, Human Behavior 2023, Current with the World, like getting coffee place, which is very hard for some, like Mexican men, that are not allowed in casinos. In between, by design, there is a Mexican guide, between the 60 years old, and 20 years old, setup by dark voodoo, 9 lives, 140 years ago, when migrations happened in between native and Europeans. Out of survival, a 20 years old girl, view, out of survival, she obtains special siddhi, that ONLY, that has a CONDITION, and why is there a condition because if 60 was 20 years old, the results would be opposite.

Tasks: ITAR String Theory CERN Ownership God Particle / Computerized AI

Projects: ITAR Intellectual Property - Timestamp Innovation / Audience Validation / Communication / Response / Analyze / Language

User: bahmed

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