ITAR Deal Flow - Solicitation - Violent Triggers / Public Places / No Connections - Tourists - Paying thousands in local gang fees - DoD Top Clearance Violation - Channels - Spying Rather Paying - Spending Billions, Agents laid Off in Hong Kong, China / Very Competitive Market - Russia / Mexico - Background Check - Purpose of Visit - Bank Account - Drivers License - Passport - Google Maps - Wife's Shopping List - Back Home - Children School and Arby's Across The Street - Style of Pitch

Description: Civil war expense, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, Texas moving people in 1 month, 6 weeks of cold winter, second chance, clean state, clean homes, allows migrants in, rather militants, with international TRIAD gang, right behind the block, waiting for any shopping, black cars with funky license plates, following them everything, and recording their biometrics, full data, NSA, National Security Agency, looking at their profiles, and past work experiences, back to Washington DC or Pentagon, stealing, provide false INTEL, US soldiers murdered, on this investigation, with bad English. Fun flying home, and thorough airport screening, daily budget for the operation and their network, fighting against US marines, with helicopters, dropping people from air, falling and jumping 5 feet from the ground, after body hit the floor.

Tasks: ITAR Suicide Bombers - Insurgents Training

Projects: Itar Cemetery - Insurgents

User: bahmed

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