ITAR Black Budget - Minimum Wage / Below Qualification for Work - Job History Poor - No References - ID, Passports can be Replaced, by Digital for at Best, Minimum Wage

Description: 60 years old, working towards getting jobs of 20 years old, by replacing them, with militia, taking over towns - Paid by European Union, however the funding is very little, budget very tight, so the smart money is with the intelligence department and migrants are there for the minimum wage, engaging with Americans and Militia, however many Mexicans disappeared by same people, 500k dead bodies by Highway 36, from Redding, California. Digital tracking, devices with intelligence suggestions, which videos to watch on youtube, for education or go to an American school, learn energy particles, new curriculum, great for babies born today, too late for oldies and goldies. THE LAW moving forward, to be somebody in life, that others respect or, just by English, little Math, body gestures, phone usage, California born, privilege, natural vs coming from another state, for example, Colorado, Rainbow Family, hippies, which will be the end result, for anyone staying after 2 phase, 6 weeks of hell, cold winter.

Tasks: ITAR Crypto Bank & Law

Projects: Government Coins - ITAR investments. Eyes red or blue.

User: bahmed

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