ITAR Threat Node - 1 English Word, First One Out of Mouth - Male or Female, Laughter Follows After 1 Word - IQ, Intelligence from CIA and Emotional EQ very low, to a Gun.

Description: 60 years ago, CIA helped, Americans be intelligence, but today, the same intelligence, IQ, smart or stupid, brought same people, looking at 20 years old, with very little EQ, threatening with guns, smartness challenged, as well as opportunity, for success, school or not, suggestions, how to learn things, only from parents and grand parents. Social media problems, haha caused all the suffering, where the 60 years old, are not cool enough, cancel culture, vs young person's hunger, internationally. Over age funding, getting cancelled replacing with 20's for future UN, NATO, CERN, DARPA and US government, classified projects. RED FLAG business history and family, jail and prison, education only from the library, with a criminal record, horse shoe theory, the mind of a rapist or murderer very different, that is karma and dharma, future actions, vs past bad acts.

Tasks: Itar Results (RED FLAG) - Cell Comparison

Projects: ITAR Cell - Water / Hydrogen & Oxygen vs Metal (Uranium)

User: bahmed

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