ITAR Monday Morning Sickness - Mental illness / Crazy Voices Inside - Perverts / Murders / Rape / Brain - Want Avatar Brain - Younger Guns, Older Socializing - Crack / Social Media / Phone Usage Watching Others / Competing / Tree Philosophy / Don't Use Digital for 20 years Old.

Description: Telling 20 years old, don't look at digital meanwhile the 60 years old, with a history of domestic abuse on women, fear causes FOXP2 brain disease, and special cognition inability, of the female, haha, he laughs, acknowledges, and looking for babies to sell and threatening stronger men, to violence every day on the street, but if you say anything, they call backup of 20 people. Identify children smuggling network, in Redding, California, by highway 36, haha, with propane, 500k dead bodies found, investigation required of legal / illegal guns, connected to user profiles, listening to top secret clearance, which is automatic prison, violation, all over the internet but some how, they are not given INTEL, information that can help the operation, rather shutting it, by international backers.

Tasks: ITAR Legal Charges - Child Pornography / Transfer to Idaho, Montana Funding

Projects: ITAR Business Plan - Insurgents / Terrorists / Ship to Mexico / Truck Movements

User: bahmed

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