ITAR Nuclear Reactor - Water / Hydrogen & Oxygen cc #NASA

Description: Uses water, rather Uranium, hence the energy produced is different. The fusion experiment, was brilliant because it exploded water into two, hydrogen & oxygen. You don't need Uranium, very expensive and black market around the chemical. Water is available everywhere. Radiation is caused by the elements used, the nuclear explosion, for example, SpaceX.

Duration: 10 years

Priority: High

Project: ITAR Nuclear Fusion Hackers - Test Framework / Brain Interface / Recursive Loop / Infinite - Two processors - Top Secret Clearance - Real User Test vs Machines (Robots)

Sprint: OPEC & NAFTA Sprint / Tasks

Backlog: Tracking #itarIran vs #itarSaudiArabia


Itar Key - Children Matrix 20%

Itar Mental Sickness - Pervert Enjoyment - Looking at Humans, Expecting Reaction, but Social Appeal Low, Tennis Shoes, in snow, temperature off.

ITAR Robotic Soldiers Worldwide - Agents, Managing and Captains, with Notifications, Daily Tasks. Klamath River Rainbow Family.

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