ITAR Nuclear Fusion - Water Capsule / Hydrogen - Oxygen - The Beginning, Study.

Description: Breaking chemical elements, with nuclear fusion, cutting board, then observe reactions, through the Universe, tools to see Jupiter, through phone, pixel, desktop computer and iPad, videos. Need software development / design techniques, for DNA, MRNA modifications.

Duration: 10 years

Priority: High

Project: ITAR Nuclear Fusion Hackers - Test Framework / Brain Interface / Recursive Loop / Infinite - Two processors - Top Secret Clearance - Real User Test vs Machines (Robots)

Sprint: Monkey DNA Sprint

Backlog: ITAR Agent Biometrics


ITAR Children Play

Itar Governor

Itar Algorithms - Human Connection - Children Aggregate Real-Time with Black market agents in town, collecting data.

ITAR Supreme Court Laws - Local, State, Federal, International - Breaking DoD Top Security Clearance - Automatic Violation - Prison Time - On Books - Future Career Development

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