ITAR Nuclear Fusion Tablet / Reaction / Nucleus Broken into 2.

Description: We are tracking the amount of energy released, after the nuclear fusion experiment, everyone is feeling it strong, to insanity, but not harmful, in curiosity, socially driven, American, use cases, so everyone is having a party, fashion, communication with lots of foreigners in town, for business, selling ideas, internationally, building tools, for us to use, and decode further, slowly, Rabbit vs Turtle, takes it slow, playing long, investor, intellectual property IP, users.

Duration: 10 years

Priority: High

Project: ITAR Nuclear Fusion Hackers - Test Framework / Brain Interface / Recursive Loop / Infinite - Two processors - Top Secret Clearance - Real User Test vs Machines (Robots)

Sprint: ITAR Multiverse: Cyber Security / Health Care / mRNA Sprint

Backlog: ITARHedge Backlog


ITAR Digits Matrix

ITAR Winning vs Losing - The Definition of Doing, Something with Purpose, in Life - Tired of Being in Military, Social Media Crack + Family, is Fun

ITAR State Law - Civil (Communication) vs Criminal Acts (Anger, Baits, $2 / hour types) - Operation Clean State - Second Chance - Didn't Do Well First Time. Regardless of Age, Funding, Ukraine.

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