Itar Track "Hole" - Wonder

Description: With advanced yoga and tao practices, the hackers have made a nuclear hole - mafia.

Duration: 10 years

Priority: Highest

Project: ITAR Violation

Sprint: Imaging

Backlog: ITAR Agent Biometrics


Itar Light / Shadow Wonders

Itar Wonder Ways, 13 wonders, total. universe - Wonderful English Expression.

Itar - Non-Itar Feedback: Travelled Agent Demo Lotus Wonder Cash

Itar Tracking 3 Astral Hackers - Nature / Body

Itar Nuclear Shield - Track Hole

ITAR White Lotus Payment Montana / Son Teachings (Spirit / Daughter / Mother) - Family Payment

Itar Soldier - North Korea & Iraq - black lotus + dog

ITAR Napalm Delivery Requested

ITAR Digestion - Food / Water / Animal Sex / Idaho Cows / Get Rid of Them for $700

ITAR Black Lives Matter / Michael Jordan / North, South Carolina 3 Airports Closed

ITAR - Clean Records DMV / Background Check

ITAR North Oregon Hay (Grass, Fire, Trade) - South Mexican Cocaine Stolen - Investments in California - San Francisco - Wifi Hacked by Chinese, Mafia, TRIAD Gangs, Brazil, all over i-5, Casinos, Pissed - New Jersey, Atlanta, las Vegas.

ITAR American Discovery / Invention Brain #mRNA - 6th chakra, #OM, 3rd #chakra, laughter, #communication method, ultimate healing, cures everything.

ITAR 1.3 Buttons - Visual WEB4 - Interactions

ITAR Hackers - Super Powers 3.1

ITAR South Sea China Cleanup Trigger / Bolivian - Funding Required - $30 Trillion

ITAR Teachers / Agents / Future / Training - Computers, Social Media, Internet - Money, Business - Secret Private Ability to Become the Leader - Overcome any hurdle for 50 years - Suggestive Loop, IF / Else / Because / So / No.

ITAR Every Age Group Sensory

ITAR Brother - Promise 1 Life Groomed Fully - Gift / Pocket, Phone, Car, Self, Light, Program, Matrix, Neo, Mr Anderson, Founder, also Neo, You. Thank you, Mutual.

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